



Hello My Name is Shane Byrd and I am 40 years old.
I was born with cerebral palsy.
I was born and raised in mountain hills of Kentucky.
I’ve been singing in church my hole life.
I started singing at the age of 8 years old.
I sung in all of different churches in State of Kentucky.
I love going to church I’ve been to churches all over in Kentucky and Tennessee and Virginia.
I’ve been to church in Ohio and Texas when I was on vacation.

I started going to Kentenia Full Gospel Church back In 1997 when it was Kentenia Baptist Church where I started singing full time there from 1997 until now 20 plus years I love traveling also I do some traveling with my Senior pastor we go to try to help someone be a blessing by I sing he preaches. I also over the years done outreach ministry work I’ve went to the Heath care and nursing homes and sung to them and he churches with them because they can’t get out and go to church at all and I don’t like to miss church.

The Lord as put a singing ministry upon my life yes he’s called me to help and reach out to those who need a touch from the Lord through song.

I love praying for people who need it and who’s sick in there body I love praying for over your prayer request and your need you have before the lord.

God bless you,

Shane Byrd

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